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Announcing Ableton discount & webinars series for members

Story Published Wednesday 12 July 2023
Get inspired with our exciting new offer from Ableton

Good news, music makers!

We are thrilled to partner with Ableton for an APRA AMCOS member exclusive discount and webinar series. Whether you’re just starting out, or already have a few releases under your belt, we’ve got you covered.

Member discount

All APRA AMCOS members worldwide are eligible for a 15% discount on Ableton software products. This can be used for either new licences or upgrades. Please note this excludes Packs, education pricing and hardware.

Learn more & redeem offer

3-part webinar series

What are you doing on Tuesday evenings in August? Clear your calendars! In our 3-part webinar series you’ll learn everything from Ableton Live basics through to live performance and remixing in Live. Presented by Ableton Certified Trainers, these sessions are ideal for all skill levels across all genres. Best of all, it’s free!

Webinar 1: Getting started with Live
Tues 1 August 5:30pm - 8:00pm AEST
Cost: free!

Presented by Patrick Marks (aka Pataphysics) - Ableton Certified Trainer

Ableton Certified Trainer Patrick Marks will give you a solid overview of Live and its key features. This webinar is ideal for both Ableton Live beginners and anyone who would like a refresher. Patrick will explore using both live and digital instruments in Ableton Live, how to incorporate effects into your process, and how to create and optimise drum racks.

He will also give a run down of the new subtractive synth ‘Drift’, which comes with all editions of Live 11

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Webinar 2: Creative performance with Live

Tues 8 August 5:30pm - 8:00pm AEST
Cost: free!

Presented by Ableton Certified Trainer Patty Preece (aka Ironing Maidens) and artist Chelsea Warner

In the second of our 3-part Ableton webinar series we learn how to optimize Ableton Live for the stage. We’ll explore how to launch and manipulate audio clips using various techniques. We’ll also illustrate setting up multi-channel audio and how to best route MIDI controllers in your set.

Finally we’ll cover some fundamental aspects of using the Push device in your live performance.

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Webinar 3: Creating a remix
Tues 15 August 5:30pm - 8:00pm AEST
Cost: free!

Presented by Ableton Certified Trainer Ed Rollo (aka mredrollo) and artist Willo.

In the final session of this 3-part webinar series we explore everything you need to know about remixing. We look at best practice for remixing in Ableton, including working with stems, warping and vocals. We dig into the differences between bootlegs, mashups and edits and delve into creative strategies for remixing, and how to create a unique interpretation of someone else’s work. We’ll also unpack some of the hurdles that remixing can present, and how to free up your workflow. Finally we’ll explore strategies for attracting future remixing opportunities

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