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Webinar: Creating a Remix

Event Published Tuesday 8 August 2023

What are you doing on Tuesday evenings in August? Clear your calendars! Presented by Ableton Certified Trainers, these sessions are ideal for all skill levels across all genres. Best of all, it’s free!

On Tuesday 15 August Ableton Certified Trainer Ed Rollo (aka mredrollo) and artist Willo will explore everything you need to know about remixing. We look at best practice for remixing in Ableton, including working with stems, warping and vocals. We dig into the differences between bootlegs, mashups and edits and delve into creative strategies for remixing, and how to create a unique interpretation of someone else’s work. We’ll also unpack some of the hurdles that remixing can present, and how to free up your workflow. Finally we’ll explore strategies for attracting future remixing opportunities.
