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Earnings Insights: log in to see how your songs make money

Story Published Monday 27 July 2020

Earnings Insights dashboard is live

Log in to see data, trends and reports

View your APRA earnings by song, digital service provider, distribution period and more

What is Earnings Insights

You write the songs and now you can log in for a much more detailed look at where your songwriting and composing royalties are coming from. The new Earnings Insights analytics tool features data, trends and reports for the past seven years, with categories including:

  • Top earning works
  • Earnings by digital service provider
  • Earnings by overseas territory
  • Earnings from TV, film and VOD
  • Breakdown of earnings from various distributions
  • And much more

How to access your Earnings Insights dashboard

  • Choose the Earnings Insights button on the portals log in page
  • Log in using the email address you use for your APRA AMCOS correspondence (eg: statement notifications, APRAP newsletter)
  • A verification email will then direct you to the Earnings Insights dashboard, and ask you to create a password, before you can access the dashboard. (We suggest checking your Promotions or Junk folder if it doesn't come direct to your inbox.) Contact us for assistance.
  • You will always use your email address to log in to Earnings Insights - not your member number
  • Use your member number to log in to the Writer Portal for works registration, performance reports claims, OPUS and voting.

If you're wondering why you now have two logins, that's because the Writer Portal as we know it will be fully upgraded in the coming months. The Earnings Insights dashboard is our first snazzy new feature to launch.

So, while we work away in the background, you'll continue to use the Writer Portal for works registration, performance reports claims, OPUS and voting. As always, please contact Writer Services if you need assistance.

Things to note:

  • Earnings Insights currently available for APRA earnings only
  • Best viewed on desktop
  • Supported web browsers include recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, but not Internet Explorer 11
  • Earnings Insights captures the past seven years of distribution data. You must have earned during this period to have access.

We've created a playlist of short tutorial videos to help you get better acquainted with the Earnings Insights dashboard, all below. Publishers, your playlist can be found here.

Landing page for songwriters and composers

Distribution reports page for songwriters and composers

Domestic and international reports

All Works page
