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Electronic Music: Rights and Royalties - Adelaide

Event Published Tuesday 8 June 2021
Electronic Music: Rights & Royalties

Connect with the Electronic Music Community

Join us for a special evening for writer and music publisher members, managers, producers, DJs, and others working within the night time music economy.

We’ll discuss how money is collected from nightclubs and festival promoters, and most importantly, distributed back to songwriters, composers and music publishers.

Meet 'n’ greet industry reps and hear from our expert panel as we track how the money flows in the world of electronic and dance music. We'll wrap with a Q & A session.

The event is open to all APRA AMCOS members, as well as music creators who want to find out more about joining, and others working within the industry. If you're a new member, this event is a great way to find out how we can support you in your career endeavours.

For any questions or queries contact Frank Rodi

Meet the Panel

  • Stasi Kotaras aka Stace Cadet - Composer/Writer, DJ, Producer, Vocalist
  • Mel Hall - DJ, Producer, Composer/Writer
  • Karen Hamilton - 120 Publishing (TMRW Music Group)
  • Catherine Giuliano - OneMusicAU
  • Anthony Colombi - Global PR

Introducing the brand new Pioneer DJ CDJ-3000s and DJM-V10 Mixer - presented by Matt Laliotis (Pioneer DJ/Jands).

GIVEAWAYS on the night including:
