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How to apply for Support Act Crisis Relief, with Lindy Morrison

Tip Published Tuesday 11 August 2020
Support Act’s Lindy Morrison explains their Crisis Relief; who is eligible, how to apply and how to reach out.

Crisis relief is open to musicians, crew and music workers whose household expenses are greater than your household income

Support Act will cover household bills for eligible applicants

The Support Act Wellbeing Helpline is a free, confidential phone counselling service available 24/7

Support Act's Crisis Relief is Available to eligible musicians, crew and music workers experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID crisis. Support Act's National Welfare Coordinator and APRA AMCOS member Lindy Morrison explains who is eligible, how to apply and how to reach out.

Who should apply?

  • musicians, crew and music workers who are unable to access Government benefits due to eligibility or other issues, and
  • music workers who have been able to access Government benefits but are still facing financial hardship.

Are you eligible for a Crisis Relief Grant?

To be eligible you must;

  • be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or have a valid working visa
  • prove that you have been working in the music industry for three years
  • provide names and details of two professional referees
  • have household expenses which are greater than your household income.

Support Act social workers will then contact you to discuss your application in a matter of days. You can contact them at 1300 731 303 with questions. Don't put off applying if you need assistance.

Support Act Wellbeing Helpline 1800 959 500

And, remember, if you are not coping, the Support Act Wellbeing Helpline is a free, confidential phone counselling service, available 24/7 to anyone anywhere in Australia who works in the performing arts, music, or other creative industries.
