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How to get involved in Make Music Day 21 June 2021

Story Published Tuesday 1 June 2021
Make Music Day 2021

Held annually on 21 June, Make Music Day is part of the international Fête de la Musique, launched in 1982 in France, it’s now held in more than a thousand places across 120 countries.

Make Music Day is like a DIY music festival that’s free and open to the public.

You can organise your own gig, or join the many organisations that will host events.

Here’s a few ideas for getting involved in Make Music Day on 21 June:

Create your own stage, wherever you are

Grab your guitar/violin/bongos and head to the park. Contact your local council and ask if they have a spot you can play at (this could be a park, plaza, shopping centre etc). Get together with some friends for a jam session. Get your school/college/uni band to perform. Join a community choir – or start one! Join an existing community event.

Go live on your socials

Simply live stream your gig, jam session or even a music lesson from your phone on your socials.

Live From Home Challenge

Record a video of yourself performing one of your own songs, upload it to your social media, and tag three friends to challenge them to respond with their own performances. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #makemusicday and #makemusicoz

Songs from the Couch

Ask your housemate, friend or family member to film you performing your song from your couch, and post it on Make Music Day Australia website. If you submit pre-recorded content, it will be displayed in an online gallery on 21 June.

Create your own live streamed “festival”

You can create a Make Music Day festival of your very own. Find a few musical mates, and follow these steps for a live stream “festival”:

  1. Find 4-5 artists to live stream a performance over the course of a few hours on 21 June
  2. Allocate each one a 20 minute time slot
  3. Design a festival program that includes these details: artist’s name, performance time slot (eg: 1:00pm – 1:20pm), artist’s social media handle; hashtags #makemusicday and #makemusicoz
  4. Make sure you give yourself enough time to advertise the event across your social media channels before your festival on 21 June

International collaboration

Make Music Day will be happening all over the world. Here’s some great ways you can get involved or connect with international songwriters and musicians:

MixMash Studios

Bringing producers and sound samplers together. Producers from around the world can sign up to complete a track from sound submissions from Make Music Day fans. On 20 June, participating producers will have 24 hours to complete their track using only the provided sounds. Find out more


Instruments from found objects. This Make Music Day, join Bash the Trash Environmental Arts in raising global awareness about household waste pollution by building fun instruments from found objects! See how you can turn your junk into music

Global Live Stream

Make Music Alliance is organising a day-long video stream on 21 June, showing the rich diversity of Make Music Day events around the world. Last year’s live stream featured live performances from all across the world, including Ngaiire live from Sydney. See the 2021 schedule

Don’t forget to promote your Make Music Day event!

Register your performance on the Make Music Australia website so they can help promote your events online in the lead up to 21 June. Submit an event

Create your own Make Music Day post with this Social Media Post Generator

More handy guides and tools are available on the Make Music Day website.

Check out some of the early event registrations for more inspiration!
