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Jonathan Carter appointed Chief Operating Officer

Media Published Thursday 31 August 2023
Jonathan Carter - photo by Daniel Boud

APRA AMCOS is proud to share Jonathan Carter has been promoted from Head of Legal & Corporate Services, to Chief Operating Officer.

“I'm really excited for Jonathan to step into this new role and responsibility," said Dean Ormston, Chief Executive APRA AMCOS.

“Given our growth, size and strategic ambition, we need to look at how we’re going to operationalise and drive our strategic plan across the company, and similarly ensure we’re taking a holistic view in mitigating risk.”

"Jonathan will be critical in helping us collectively drive forward on our strategic plan.”

In his nearly 15 years with the organisation, Carter held various in-house legal roles before being appointed Head of Legal & Corporate Services in 2016. He led APRA AMCOS’ establishment of the award winning independent alternative dispute resolution facility Resolution Pathways. He is a non-executive director of a number of organisations in the broader creative sector, including the Australian Copyright Council, Support Act and Screenrights. He also sits on the Global Legal & Policy Committee of CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers, and is a past President of the Copyright Society of Australia.

Carter holds double first class honours degrees in Arts and Law from the University of Sydney and an MBA from the AGSM. He studied trumpet at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and is a regular university guest lecturer on the subject of music copyright.

“As my 15-year anniversary at APRA AMCOS quickly approaches, I can't wait to embark on this new adventure. Fifteen years is a long time to work anywhere but I love this place and everything it stands for. Every day I go to work and help grow the social, cultural and commercial value that music brings to business and to life. I'm looking forward to all the challenges and opportunities this next chapter will no doubt bring.”
