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Meet The Locals with Arts Law Centre of Australia

Event Published Friday 26 February 2021

Ready to get your affairs in order this year after an incredibly turbulent 2020? Our Meet The Locals events are all happening online this year. Attend from your home!

For the first series, we’ve brought together some of the industry's top music industry pros to share their knowledge and help you get ahead of the game in 2021.
They’ll talk grants, band agreements, song splits, funding and how their organisations can support your music career.

This webinar will feature solicitors from Arts Law Centre of Australia, alongside APRA AMCOS representatives.

Meet our virtual Meet The Locals panelists:

  • Suzanne Derry, Director, National Partnerships and Programs | Senior Solicitor - Arts Law
  • Roxanne Lorenz, Solicitor - Arts Law
  • APRA AMCOS representatives
