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Meet the Locals goes virtual, keeps it local

Media Published Thursday 4 March 2021
Meet the Locals

Ready to get your affairs in order this year after an incredibly turbulent 2020? Our Meet The Locals events are back and once again connecting you with some of the top music industry pros in your state or territory.

In keeping with the spirit of in-person ‘Meet The Locals’ events, these virtual sessions are intended specifically for members in that state/territory. We are looking forward to having more members getting involved without having to travel great distances.

To attend:

  • Sign up for the Zoom meeting via the state/territory below, you'll receive the link before the event or via event listing
  • 'Speed networking' takes place in small groups, with time with each speaker
  • Please ask questions and get to know your fellow music creators

Event dates

WA - 9 March

QLD - 9 March

National with Australia Council - 10 March

NT - 17 March

ACT - 17 March

NSW - 18 March

SA - 24 March

VIC - 24 March

TAS - 30 March
