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Meet the Locals: 'this is what I do' with artist manager Greg Carey

Tip Published Monday 29 June 2020

APRA is introducing a video series where an industry pro talks about what they do

Greg Carey is an artist manager who works with The Rubens & Urthboy

In the video Greg explains that his core job is to help his artists achieve their goals

Whether you've attended a Meet the Locals member event (good times!) or booked in for a virtual one-on-one chat as part of our At Home Sessions recently, there are still a lot of 'locals' to meet.

So, we're introducing a series where we ask an industry pro to tell you a little more about what they do...and in some cases, what they don't do.

We dive in with artist manager Greg Carey (The Rubens, Urthboy).

"As an artist manager, we wear many hats, but our sole purpose is to guide the careers of the artists we manage, and help them achieve their goals and their vision."