The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Officer (NATSIMO) welcomes the Australian Government’s National Cultural Policy.
"The centrality and commitment to support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander arts and culture in the policy is beneficial in ensuring that respectful and appropriate processes are implemented to best represent NATSIMO’s members, their works and, their cultural legacies. It is vital that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators, artists and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander-led music businesses and workers have a voice and agency across the full breadth of the music industry ecosystem," said Nathaniel Andrew, NATSIMO Education and Special Projects Manager.
“The five pillars create potential for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators to protect Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property contained within their contemporary and traditional works through self-determined decision-making. This will ultimately advance our works and create global connections, while increasing the economic, social, and cultural value and significance of our members' work.
“The NATSIMO looks forward to working closely with the government and its agencies as well as our 2,000+ members and colleagues across the industry to implement the policy so we can continue to best support the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander songwriters and composers.
"The NATSIMO also supports the development of Music Australia and looks forward to advocating on behalf of our members. We encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators to learn more about Creative Australia’s new First Nations body by participating in Creative Australia’s upcoming briefing sessions – go to: Creative Australia - Australia Council for the Arts."
Other key measures within the Revive national cultural policy that are of relevance to the work of NATSIMO include: