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New technology is helping electronic music producers to get paid

Tip Published Tuesday 29 November 2016
KUVO & RADR support Get Played Get Paid

APRA AMCOS is utilising new technology to track music played in nightclubs

They are using music recognition technology (MRT) and Pioneer DJ’s program KUVO

They are encouraging music creators to ensure their tracks have the required metadata, such as title, performer and record label, so they can be tracked

APRA AMCOS is leading the way in the use of new technology to identify music used in nightclubs. What does that mean? Well, hopefully, that more creators of the bangers and tunes that have dancefloors heaving will get paid when their work is played.

We’re using music recognition technology (MRT) and Pioneer DJ’s KUVO in clubs to collect information on what’s played so that we can accurately distribute royalties to copyright owners.

How music creators can help

To help us correctly identify music through KUVO, our Innovation & Electronic Music Specialist Frank Rodi is calling on music creators to ensure all their tracks have metadata identifying the title, performer and record label (at the very least). He also recommends they upload all their tracks to the DJ Monitor uploader to fingerprint their music to maximise identification opportunities through MRT.

There's also exciting news for Traktor DJs. If they download and use Ritchie Hawtin's RADR app, KUVO can now ID the music they’re playing.
