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Vale Matthew Capper

Story Published Monday 20 January 2025
Credit: Daniel Boud

Vale Matthew Capper

APRA AMCOS and AMPAL are both deeply saddened to hear of the passing of music publishing veteran and former Board member, Matthew Capper.

During his time as General Manager and then Managing Director at Warner Chappell Australia, Capper was the youngest person ever appointed to the AMCOS Board in 2005 at the age of just 28, followed by the APRA Board in 2007 at the age of 30.

He remained a Director on both Boards until February 2024, as well as being Deputy Chair of the AMCOS Board from 2020-2024.

Dean Ormston, CEO of APRA AMCOS, says: “I'm completely shocked and saddened to hear of the passing of dear friend and colleague, Matthew Capper. I remember Matthew as an incredibly sincere, principled professional who was passionate about music publishing. He was self-deprecating, always loved a joke and enjoyed spending time with colleagues.

“He had great regard for the work of APRA AMCOS and was very proud of his long connection to the organisation and staff. He will be sorely missed by us all, and our thoughts go out to his friends and family at this very difficult time.”

Jenny Morris OAM MNZM, Chair of APRA, adds: “We have had many losses from the music industry family in the last few years, all of which have been sources of great sadness, but Matt’s death has been a huge shock. Matt was one of the most decent, wise and funny people and I feel very privileged not only to have known him, but to have had his friendship.

“He worked with genuine care and a great amount of industry awareness on the APRA Board, and on more than a few occasions sent supportive messages at just the right time. He was an empath as well.

“My heart goes out to his family. I hope they know what he meant to his APRA whanau.”

Jaime Gough, Chair of AMCOS, explains: “I was lucky to spend a lot of time with Matthew on the AMPAL, AMCOS and APRA Boards, often travelling to Sydney together from Melbourne for meetings. Matthew was a true professional, a great mentor and sounding board. He was passionate about the songwriter and publisher members we represent, and a vocal advocate for their rights.

“I am still in a state of shock at Matthew’s passing. He had so much more to give to the music industry, many more meals to cook, and will be sorely missed. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.”

Capper was also a Director and Chair of the Australasian Music Publishers’ Association, AMPAL.

He was first elected to the AMPAL Board in 2004, and in 2013 was voted into the position of Chair until his departure from Warner Chappell in early 2024. He also stepped in on an interim basis to fill the vacant roles of AMPAL General Manager and Company Secretary when needed from 2022-2024.

Capper represented AMPAL on the International Confederation of Music Publishers (ICMP) Board, both as Non-Executive Director and more recently as Treasurer, and his involvement with ICMP extended to chairing its Australasia and Asia Regional Group.

Clive Hodson, Chair of AMPAL, says: "Matthew and I worked very closely together at Board level, me as Deputy to his Chair. During the almost 10 years we worked together, I witnessed his passion and drive to ensure AMPAL's relevance was front and centre for Board members, publishers and the music industry.

“I will miss Matthew greatly for his friendship and dedication to his role as a former Chair of AMPAL.”
