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Virtual First Nations Suite: Composer Masterclass with Dale Cornelius (2 of 3)

Event Published Thursday 18 March 2021
First Nations Suite: Composer Masterclass with Dale Cornelius

Evolution of the Cue

The NATSIMO are delivering a series of monthly Composer Masterclasses for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members as part of our 'Virtual First Nations Suite' programming.

These monthly events aim to develop our members skills and understanding of the wide world of composition. Over February, March and April, Australian screen composer Dale Cornelius will lead participants through 3 sessions of his 'Evolution of the Cue' Masterclass Series. This is a step by step guide to the process of screen composition from the start of the project to the end.

This series is suitable if you have an intermediate knowledge of composition that you want to expand on.

About this session/series

Note: This is session 2 of 3

Some of the topics covered in the 'Evolution of a Cue' Masterclass Series will include:

  • Negotiations and Contracts
  • Music Budget Breakdown
  • Workflow & Schedule
  • The Spotting Session (The Brief)
  • Preparing for Approval Sessions
  • Mix Deliverables
  • Cue Sheets
  • Budgets

Event details:

This Masterclass will be held via Zoom. You will need a decent internet connection and a Zoom account to participate.

RSVP on the link below to attend and share with us a bit more about what you would like to learn.

If you missed Session 1 in this series and would like to get caught up, drop us a line at [email protected].
