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National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Music Office

We support the growth and development of songwriters & composers and advocate for a thriving, self-determined Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander music industry.

Welcome to the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office

In October 2019 we launched a re-branding of the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office, and shared our five year strategic plan for 2020-2025.

Mission statement

The NATSIMO is an Indigenous-led initiative of APRA AMCOS and peak body for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators. We support the growth and development of songwriters and composers and advocate for a thriving, self-determined Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music industry.


  • Value - Help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members to understand the value of their music to advance their careers, and advocate for their rights;
  • Self determination - Promote the growth of a self-determined Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music industry;
  • Connect - Connect our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members and the music industry whilst encouraging Best Practice;
  • Advance - Champion opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander songwriters and composers to advance their careers.

For the latest news, opportunities and information about upcoming programs, please follow us on the NATSIMO's Facebook and Instagram.


1. Encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led innovation across the music industry

  • Build capacity and develop self-determined pathways for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to operate in the music industry;
  • Nurture and facilitate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in the music industry to increase representation and career opportunities;
  • Support members in their business development;
  • Engage in partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander owned and operated businesses across APRA AMCOS annual programming.

2. Be a Culturally Safe Space in the music industry

  • Provide a space where members and industry feel safe to discuss issues of a nature specific to the advancement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the music industry;
  • Guide and facilitate meaningful opportunities for a fair, open dialogue between cultural creators and the music industry.
  • To lead the Australian Music Industry by example through the development of internal policies, procedures and pathways alongside APRA AMCOS’ HR Department by putting in place KPI’s with the aim to drive APRA AMCOS towards being a proudly culturally safe and diverse workplace

3. Advocacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creatives and industry

  • Develop Best Practice guides and resources specifically for the music industry
  • Be influential in the development of national and international policy frameworks;
  • Ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives are considered and represented when liaising with industry and government agencies
  • Lobby for a culturally diverse music industry fluent in Indigenous protocols;
  • Act in best interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members to ensure their Intellectual Property and Indigenous Cultural Intellectual Property Rights are protected;

4. Support and grow the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander membership of APRA AMCOS

  • Encourage greater understanding of the role of APRA AMCOS amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators;
  • Increase APRA AMCOS’ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander membership;
  • Increase financial returns to members;
  • Provide dedicated, quality member services;
  • Create more opportunities for members across mainstream APRA AMCOS programming.