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Co-writing splits and registering your works

Who owns a song? A guide to co-writing splits and registering works

Understanding co-writing and splits

WATCH: Splitting song royalties can get complicated, but it doesn’t have to be.

There is no one set approach to deciding songwriting splits

If possible, discuss your expectations before you start, and get your agreement in writing

Arts Law has a range of agreement templates which can help

Like any good relationship, songwriting collaborations work best when there’s mutual trust and respect. There are no set rules or formula about how songwriting splits should occur. It comes down to what co-writers are happy with, and what they think is fair.

Everyone who helps to write a song usually gets some share of the royalties. However there are no set rules or formula to set it up.

It’s important to have a conversation with your co-writer/s about song splits. If possible, discuss this before you start writing together and talk about your expectations. If you’ve already written the song, try to have that conversation as soon as possible. If you’re not sure how to approach it, perhaps just simply say “how are we going to register the song with APRA AMCOS?”

Tips on how to approach song splits

Agree – when possible, agree on how to approach the splits BEFORE the writing starts. Jam sessions happen, collaborations can be spontaneous, but always try to discuss splits at the start of the work.

Review – when the song is finished, ensure everyone is happy about their percentage, and the percentage that their co-writers are receiving. Remember, it’s a good idea to get something in writing that shows everyone agrees with the splits - even an email chain is better than nothing.

Registering works with APRA AMCOS

Once you have agreement on song split percentages, make sure you register the song with APRA AMCOS asap. This is called a work registration. You can quickly and easily register your works in the APRA AMCOS Writer Portal, or in the APRA AMCOS for Music Creators App.

Don’t wait until the song has been played, performed or released before this happens! You need to register your works before they can earn royalties.

Can song splits be changed after a work is registered?

After a song has been registered with us, we require permission from ALL the co-owners (co-writers AND publishers) to change it. This can prove almost impossible if relationships within bands or between co-witers have broken down. You’ll need to contact us to make changes to a work after it is registered. Email [email protected]

Work registration tips

  • If you have a publishing agreement, your publisher needs to register the work, so don’t delay providing that information to your publisher
  • If you are registering a remix of a pre-existing song or composition you will need permission from the copyright owners of the original song or composition before you register your remix
  • For co-writes, enter the percentage share for each co-writer of the song.
  • If you need an International Standard Recording Code (ISRC), contact ARIA
  • Find out how your work gets an International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC).
  • If you make a mistake when you register a work – eg: you might have misspelt the title – you’ll need to contact us to make edits. Email [email protected]