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Advocacy & public policy

We often make submissions to federal and state governments on issues that affect our members, like copyright and the creative economy.

Inquiry into the challenges and opportunities within the Australian live music industry

June 2024

APRA AMCOS submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee for Communications and the Arts inquiry into the challenges and opportunities within the Australian live music industry

Read APRA AMCOS' submission (PDF 4MB)

NSW Government arts, cultural and creative industry policy consultation

12 December 2023

NSW is an engine room of the nation’s creative economy. Despite this, successive NSW Governments have lacked a long-term vision and commitment to the state’s global potential as a creative economy - and specifically the contemporary music opportunity.

The creative economy is global and the competition for it is fierce. Now is the time for NSW to capitalise on existing skills, businesses and infrastructure with a bold, innovative and world-leading creative economy investment and policy strategy to help embed the state’s position as a global creative engine room.

Read APRA AMCOS' submission (PDF 7.4MB)

Streaming Service Investment Scheme

11 May 2022

APRA AMCOS and AGSC response to the proposed Streaming Services Reporting and Investment Scheme

APRA AMCOS and the Australian Guild of Screen Composers (AGSC) call for the swift introduction of a 20% Australian commissioned content expenditure requirement on global streaming businesses.

APRA AMCOS and the AGSC submit that the Scheme must include mechanisms for the mandatory inclusion of local Heads of Department and specifically local key music professionals, such as ‘Head of Music’ or ‘Director of Music’ in any investment-related definition of Australian content.

APRA AMCOS and the AGSC urge the Government to seize this opportunity to also ensure there are healthy and sustainable terms of trade between streaming services and Australian composers.

Read the full APRA AMCOS and AGSC joint submission (PDF 352 kb)

Copyright Amendment

25 February 2022

APRA AMCOS response to the Copyright Amendment (Access Reform) Bill 2021 Exposure Draft and Discussion Paper

APRA AMCOS is not opposed to all the reforms contained in the Exposure Draft. However, we are strongly opposed to:

  • The repeal of sections 28 and 200 of the Act and the broadening of exceptions for educational institutions in the new sections 113MA, MB, MC (Schedule 4: Education); and
  • The amendments to section 106 of the Act.

APRA AMCOS is also concerned by the current drafting of:

  • The new sections 113KC, KD, KE, and KF (Schedule 3: Libraries and archives etc.); and
  • The new section 113FA (Schedule 2: Fair dealing for quotation).

We are opposed to these reforms for the following reasons:

  • The policy basis for reforms is unclear;
  • The reforms will cause real harm to music rightsholders; and
  • The reforms do not comply with Australia’s international obligations.

Read the full response to the Exposure Draft and Discussion Paper (PDF 624 kb)

Live Music and Entertainment Industry

August 2021

5 Point Re-Opening Plan

The Australian live music and entertainment industry is worth $16bn to the national economy. Operating nationally and internationally it includes large and small businesses, sole traders and employs 90,000+ FTE workers. From stadiums, to pubs, clubs, bars and nightclubs, festivals and events, indoor and outdoor, our industry is core to Australia’s cultural heart and is a driver of local and national economic activity. Australia is a music powerhouse with enormous export potential.

Local, national and international performances and tours take time to organise, are logistically complicated and involve navigating a myriad of Federal, State, Territory and local government legislation and regulations - and that was before COVID.

Read the full plan (PDF 116kb)

Modernising television regulation in Australia

21 May 2021

AGSC and APRA AMCOS joint submission

Australia is more than just a film set. With the proliferation of local and international productions since the outbreak of COVID-­19, our screen sector has the potential to capitalise on the benefits of not just being a safe, beautiful and diverse location but also as a highly skilled and creative workforce with the opportunity to build highly valuable intellectual property (IP) from screen production.

COVID-­19 has highlighted and accelerated the importance of the digital economy in Australia and globally. For Australia to become a leading and competitive digital economy, it is critical we have high‐quality regulatory practices and standards that are fit for purpose and allow for cross-­border mobility of digitalised services and associated data, with appropriate protections.

Read the full submission, Media Reform Green Paper Modernising Television Regulation in Australia (PDF 222kb)

Supporting Australian stories on our screens

2 July 2020

Options paper joint submission from Australian Guild of Screen Composers (AGSC) and APRA AMCOS

The Australian Guild of Screen Composers (AGSC) together with the Australasian Performing Rights Association and Australasian Mechanical Copyright Owners Society Limited (APRA AMCOS) have developed a joint submission to the Australian Government’s consultation on Supporting Australian stories on our screens— the Options Paper devised by Screen Australia and Australian Communications and Media Authority.

Australia has a long and proud history of screen composition. From the earliest days of cinema and the advent of television broadcast in the 1950s to today, Australian screen composers have provided the soundtrack to some of the most iconic and celebrated stories across screens both large and small.

Read the full options paper joint submission (PDF 208kb)

Inquiry into Pathways and Participation Opportunities for Indigenous Australians in Employment and Business

28 February 2020

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office and APRA AMCOS want to help create a more balanced music industry where First Nations people and people of colour are employed within higher levels of power and influence within the Australian music sector. We want First Nations music in Australia to be strong and independent.

We propose that greater investment in music focused programs and support can:

  • Close the gap for First Nations people and support a growth in cultural expression through music and language
  • Enhance education opportunities for First Nations children and young people
  • Foster more career pathways for First Nations music artists, arts workers and arts leaders to support the creation of sustainable First Nations owned and operated music sector organisations
  • Expand the opportunities for First Nations artists to grow international audiences and export markets

Read the full submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Indigenous Affairs (PDF, 350kb)

Inquiry into Factors contributing to the growth and sustainability of the Australian music industry

October 2018

House of Representatives Standing Committee on Communication and the Arts

A powerhouse that can fully realise the cultural, economic and social benefits of an even healthier music industry accessible to all Australians.

Through consultation with our members and the wider industry we identified five key areas for industry and government to prioritise for Australia to reap the social, cultural and economic dividend from transforming from a music nation to a music powerhouse. These priority areas are centred on:

  1. The talent pipeline
  2. The global stage
  3. Local content
  4. Live music
  5. A songwriting future

Read the full submission A Music Nation–Priorities for Australia's Music Industry (PDF, 3MB)

The Economic and Cultural Value of Australian Content on Broadcast, Radio and Streaming Services

16 February 2018

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications

APRA AMCOS recognises the important role that Australian creative content has in shaping Australia's identity and character, and strongly supports the promotion of Australian music across all media. The Australian music industry also makes a significant contribution to the economy.

APRA AMCOS’ strong view is that local content requirements continue to remain highly relevant to the Australian broadcast media landscape; and advocates that the Australian content requirements that currently apply to the various broadcast sectors be neither removed nor decreased.

Audio and audio-visual streaming services are not currently subject to any Australian content requirements. Given the ongoing shift in Australian consumers away from traditional media to subscription streaming services, this is concerning.

Read the full submission, The Economic and Cultural Value of Australian Content on Broadcast, Radio and Streaming Services (PDF, 898kb)
