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Why join APRA AMCOS?

We help songwriters, composers, and publishers get paid for their music, plus so much more.

Why join APRA AMCOS as a Publisher Member

We can administer the rights in your catalogue

As a music publisher, keeping track of, and negotiating payment for, every use of every work you represent can be an expensive and demanding process. This is where APRA AMCOS can help.

We do collectively what would otherwise be difficult for you to do on an individual basis. We license music users to:

  • Perform music in public
  • Communicate music to the public
  • Reproduce music in any recorded form

(Publishers usually choose to administer adaptation rights themselves)

We collect licence fees for these uses and pay royalties to the owners of the performing and reproduction rights for these uses of their music. To maximise revenue from performing and reproduction licences, we recommend that music publishers join both APRA and AMCOS.

Monitoring international use of your catalogue

You may have sub-publishing agreements with publishers in other territories, who collect your royalties in those territories through the relevant societies. APRA AMCOS can collect royalties from the territories where you don't have sub-publishing agreements.

Flexible memberships

As a member of APRA AMCOS, you grant us an exclusive licence to administer the performing and reproduction rights for the writers and works you represent, in the lines of business you specify in your agreement with us. We understand that there are situations where individual owners and users may conveniently deal directly with each other. In these instances, there will be no need for the collection and distribution facility we provide. Under your agreement with us you have a lot of flexibility to:

  • licence-back works for specific purposes
  • license works to a specific licensee
  • opt-out of certain business lines

We advocate on your behalf

There's strength in numbers. We make sure that we're across any legislation that might impact the value of music and back our members' rights up to the highest levels of government.

Do you need Publisher Membership?

If you're a music publishing company who represents other writers’ catalogues, you can apply to be a Publisher Member. Find out more about what publishers do.

Join as a publisher
