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Distribution rules & practices

Get detailed information about how the licence fees we collect are paid out as royalties in distributions.

Where do licence fees go?

APRA Distribution Practices

A detailed explanation of the processes we use to distribute APRA licence fees as royalties.

View APRA Distribution Practices (PDF, 6.5MB)

APRA Distribution Rules

Mandates that govern how the licence fees APRA collects are paid out as royalties.

View APRA Distribution Rules (PDF, 559kb)

AMCOS Distribution Practices

A detailed explanation of the processes we use to distribute AMCOS licence fees as royalties.

View AMCOS Distribution Practices (PDF, 496kb)

AMCOS Distribution Rules

Mandates that govern how the licence fees AMCOS collects are paid out as royalties.

View AMCOS Distribution Rules (PDF, 472kb)

APRA AMCOS International Distribution Practices

A guide to how royalties earned overseas are paid to our members.

View APRA AMCOS International Distribution Practices (PDF, 99kb)
