APRA AMCOS works with Ambassadors to promote your rights as a music creator and our role in administering those rights to all levels of government, the media and the wider community.
Our Ambassadors provide critical insights into the issues affecting you as a member, so you we can provide you with the best support.
The APRA AMCOS Ambassador Program includes over 100 influential music creators from all genres, and industry stakeholders such as music managers.
“APRA have been integral to what I’ve been fortunate to have achieved career-wise and supported me on a global level. I wouldn’t be able to travel the world writing, performing, collaborating without their belief and support from the beginning of my career overseas, to now."
"I first knew music could become a career when I got my first APRA royalty. That came in after I'd been playing pubs around Wagga, and I filled out the live Performance Reports."
“As composers and musicians we don't generally have a regular income, superannuation or holiday pay. APRA has sustained me with royalties throughout my musical career.”
Abbe May | abbemay.com |
Abby Dobson | abbydobson.com |
Adalita | adalita.com |
Ainslie Wills | ainsliewills.com |
Alex Hope | Read more |
Alex Hosking | alexhosking.com |
Alex Burnett | xanderburnett.com |
All Our Exes Live in Texas | allourexesliveintexas.com |
Amanda Brown | amandabrowncomposer.com |
Amara Primero | primerchordmusic.com |
Amba Shepherd | ambashepherd.com |
Andrew Farriss | inxsonline.com/band/andrew-farriss |
Anna Laverty | annalaverty.com |
Anne Boyd | Read more |
Ashley Irwin | ashleyirwin.com |
Barney McAll | barneymcall.com |
Benny Walker | bennywalkermusic.com |
Bill Cullen | Manager |
Brendan Gallagher | brendangallagher.com.au |
Brendon Boney (Microwave Jenny) | |
Brenton Broadstock | brentonbroadstock.com |
Briggs | |
Brooke Fraser | brookefraser.com |
Burkhard Dallwitz | burkharddallwitz.com.au |
Buzz Bidstrup | ganggajang.com/about-the-gang |
Caitlin Yeo | caitlinyeo.com |
Carl Vine | carlvine.com |
Cath Haridy | catherineharidy.com |
Catherine Britt | catherinebritt.com |
Charles Jenkins | charlesjenkins.com.au |
Chit Chat Von Loopin Stab | |
Christine Anu | |
Christopher Gordon | christophergordon.net |
Clare Bowditch | clarebowditch.com |
Client Liaison | clientliaison.com |
Colin Hay | colinhay.com |
CXLOE | cxloe.com |
Dallas Frasca | dallasfrasca.com |
Dann Hume | dannhume.com |
Darlene Zschech | darlenezschech.com |
Darren Cordeux | Read more |
Dave Arden | |
David Greene | |
David Hirschfelder | davidhirschfelder.com |
David Le'aupepe (Gang Of Youths) | gangofyouths.com |
David Ryan Harris | davidryanharris.com |
Diana Bailey | |
Elana Stone (All Our Exes Live in Texas) | |
Eleanor Dixon | Triple j Unearthed |
Emily Wurramara | |
Endorphin | endorphinmusic.com |
Eric McCusker | Read more |
Francois Tetaz | francoistetaz.com |
Georgi Kay | georgikay.com |
Georgia Mooney (All Our Exes Live in Texas) | |
Gina Williams | ginawilliams.com.au |
Grant Windsor | |
Guy Gross | guygross.com |
Hannah Crofts (All Our Exes Live in Texas) | Read more |
Holly Rankin (Jack River) | jackriver.com |
Husky Gawenda | huskysongs.com |
Ian Moss | ianmoss.com.au |
Ilan Kidron | Read more |
Isabella Manfredi | thepreatures.com |
Iva Davies | icehouse-ivadavies.com |
Jake Stone | Read more |
James Blundell | jamesblundell.com.au |
James Morrison | jamesmorrison.com |
Jane Arnison | janearnison.com |
Jason Peppiatt | |
Jay Laga'aia | |
Jen Cloher | jencloher.com |
Jenny Morris | Read more |
Jeremy Neale | |
Jessica Mauboy | jessicamauboy.com.au |
Jimmy Barnes | jimmybarnes.com |
John Ferris | Read more |
John Foreman | johnforeman.com.au |
John Watson | elevenmusic.com |
John Schumann | schumann.com.au/john |
Jon Stevens | jonstevens.com |
Jonny Sonic | |
Jonathan Zwartz | jonathanzwartz.com |
Josh Pyke | joshpyke.com |
Josh Cunningham | thewaifs.com |
Juanita Stein | juanitastein.com |
Julian Hamilton | thepresets.com |
Justine Clarke | justineclarke.com.au |
Justine Eltakchi | justineeltakchi.com/music/ |
Kate Miller-Heidke | katemillerheidke.com |
Katie Noonan | katienoonan.com |
Katie Wighton (All Our Exes Live in Texas) | Bandcamp |
Katy Steele | |
Kav Temperley | kavtemperley.com.au |
Keith Lapulung Dhammarandji | Read more |
Kevin Mitchell (Bob Evans) | bobevans.com.au |
Kevin Bennett | |
KLP | klpmusic.com |
Kylie Sackley | |
L-FRESH The LION | l-fresh.com |
Lady Lash | mcladylash.com |
Leah Flanagan | leahflanagan.com |
Les Gock | soundthinking.net.au |
Lior Attar | lior.com.au |
Louis Schoorl | disneymusicpublishing.com/artists |
Mark Atkins | mark-atkins.com |
Mark Lizotte (Diesel) | dieselmusic.com.au |
Mark Moffatt | markmoffatt.com |
Matt de la Hunty | |
Megan Washington | meganwashington.com |
Melinda Schneider | melindaschneider.com |
Maya Jupiter | |
Michael Fix | michaelfix.com |
Michael Yezerski | michaelyezerski.com |
Mick Thomas | mickthomas.com |
Missy Higgins | missyhiggins.com |
The McClymonts | themcclymonts.net.au |
Montaigne | montaignemusic.com.au |
Nancy Bates | nancybates.com |
Naomi Pigram | |
Nat Dunn | |
Ngaiire | |
Ohad Rein | oldmanrivermusic.com |
Mau Power | maupower.com |
Paul Greene | |
Paul 'Djolpa' McKenzie | Read more |
Pete Murray | petemurray.com |
Peter Combe | petercombe.com.au |
Phil Barton | |
Pip Norman | pipnorman.com.au |
Rai Thistlethwayte | raithis.com |
Rebecca Barnard | rebeccabarnard.com |
Rob Collins | |
Robert Conley | Read more |
Rochelle Pitt | |
Roma Waterman | romawaterman.com |
Sally Seltmann | sallyseltmann.com |
Sarah Aarons | |
Shellie Morris | shelliemorris.net |
Simon Lewicki (Groove Terminator) | |
Sophie Payten (Gordi) | gordimusic.com |
Stavros Yiannoukas | |
Suze Demarchi | thebabyanimals.com |
Taasha Coates | |
Tania Doko | taniadoko.com |
Tim Levinson (Urthboy) | |
Tina Arena | tinaarena.com |
The Temper Trap | |
Troy Cassar-Daley | troycassardaley.com.au |
Tushar Apte | |
VASSY | vassymusic.com |
Wafia | |
Wally De Backer (Gotye) | gotye.com |
William Barton | williambarton.com.au |
Ziggy Ramo |
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