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CISAC releases 2024 Global Collections Report

Media Published Friday 25 October 2024

Global creators’ royalties up 7.6% to new high of EUR13.1 billion in 2023

Steady growth in digital income and strong recovery in live concerts and public performance

The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) has published its 2024 Global Collections Report, providing comprehensive data and analysis of collections across all repertoires, including music, audiovisual, visual arts, literature and drama.

Global royalty collections for creators grew by 7.6% to a new high of EUR13.1 billion in 2023.
The increase was driven by continued steady growth in digital income and a strong recovery in live concerts and public performance, which became the last sector to recover fully from the pandemic.

Following a decade of annual double-digit percentage growth, digital collections increased by a more modest 9.6% to EUR4.6 billion, with the streaming subscription market starting to mature in larger territories.

Having overtaken TV and radio to become creators’ biggest income stream in 2022, digital moved further ahead in 2023, making up 35% of total collections. This compares to 30% for broadcast and 25% for live and public performance.

Despite the growth in royalties coming from digital platforms, the vast majority of creators say that streaming income cannot support a career or livelihood. This is especially true for those outside the small coterie of highly successful artists, and those who cannot rely on other income streams, such as performing live, to build their career.

Royalty collections from TV and radio broadcasters fell by -4.0% in 2023 and were a mere +0.7% above their 2019 level, reflecting the decline in viewer numbers and TV advertising income.

The Live and Public Performance income stream, which includes concerts, exhibitions and licensing of venues and businesses, continued its robust recovery across all regions. Collections in this category grew by 22% to reach an all-time high of EUR3.3 billion.

CISAC Director General, Gadi Oron, says: “This Report gives a unique overview of the economic and cultural value of our global CISAC community. This year’s figures, for royalties collections by CISAC members in 2023, paint a positive picture of a healthy, stable and promising sector. Overall, collections on behalf of creators reached a new all-time high of EUR13.1bn, an impressive 7.6% increase. This, in itself, is a major achievement and shows the strength of the collective management system."

To read the full report, visit
