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NATSIMO announces LIFECYCLE Marketing Grants

Media Published Thursday 5 September 2024

A collaborative initiative of Music Australia and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office (NATSIMO)

15 x $10,000 grants available

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office (NATSIMO), with funding from Music Australia, has announced the first series of LIFECYCLE Marketing Grants, which will provide 15 grants of $10,000 towards the marketing and promotion of recordings of original works or a tour.

The grants support and facilitate access to professional content creation, marketing and promotional activities for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander music creators, supporting growth and fostering a vibrant, visible and inclusive music landscape.

All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander music creators are invited to apply, and eligibility is not restricted to members of music rights organisation, APRA AMCOS.

Leah Flanagan, Director of NATSIMO, explains: “This round of LIFECYCLE Grants are for artists with clear and solid plans to release, promote and market their music. Whether you’re looking to develop media content to support a release, create accompanying music videos, hire a publicist or social media strategist, this round is for you.

“The grants align with our strategic vision to support a diverse and self-determined music sector for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and we’re thrilled to see so many music creators at the top of their game right now with the quality of music being created and released of the absolute highest calibre.

“Once again, thank you to Music Australia for funding these career changing opportunities.”

Applications are open now until 11:59 PM (AEDT) Friday 25 October with the grants available to cover activity undertaken and completed between 1 December 2024 and 30 June 2025. Applicants and recipients of previous LIFECYCLE Grants are also welcome to apply.

NATSIMO will be hosting an online webinar on Tuesday 24 September with Kaleena Smith (Music NSW), Michelle Levings (aka GLVES) and Leah Flanagan to answer any questions regarding the grants and application process.

Register for the webinar here
