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NATSIMO Screen Composer Intensive applications open

Media Published Tuesday 6 December 2022


Applications are open to composers from all across Australia, but the program requires the participant to be based in Sydney for the duration of the residency.

Participants will be exposed to and learn about the screen music business and key practices of screen composing and orchestration resulting in completion of a screen music project recording. They will be immersed in actual screen music production settings to observe and engage in the day-to-day practices of the screen music sector.

The program will consist of five key components:

The participant will be paired with screen composer mentor, Ken Francis, who will assist in the creation of a soundtrack for a short film through a series of one-on-one sessions over the duration of the three-month program. This component is autonomous, and sessions are to be set by the participant and mentor at times best suited to their schedules. We recommend a minimum of 8 in person sessions over the period. NATSIMO is to be advised and notified once sessions have been scheduled.

The participant will have the Guest Suite Studio workspace allocated to them from 1st April – 30th June at Church St Studios in Sydney to develop their final assessment composition and to work on their creative practice throughout the immersion period. NATSIMO will discuss all studio specifications and technical requirements with participant to ensure they have all the appropriate technology to participate in the program.

The participant will engage in foundations of scoring and orchestration with Jessica Wells of Jigsaw Music across the program period. An initial two sessions will be set at the beginning of the program and once the scoring component of the project begins, Jessica will work with the participant in the final recording stages of the project.

At the beginning of the program the participant will be given a short film to work towards creating a score throughout the three-month immersion to be recorded at Trackdown Studios and delivered so that at the end of the residency.


Supported by the Australian Guild of Screen Composers, the participant will receive an annual membership to the guild and will engage in networking opportunities facilitated by representatives of the Guild.
