An ‘advance’ is a pre-payment of royalties. Usually an advance is paid by a record company to an artist, or by a publisher to a songwriter. An advance is paid back via the label or publisher retaining royalty earnings until the advance amount has been recouped. Similarly, some Performing Rights Organisations (PROs) can pay members an advance against their future forecasted royalty earnings.
Writer members can contact APRA AMCOS to discuss an advance, whether it relates to financial difficulties or other reasons, as we may be able to fast track pipeline royalties to you. Advances are typically contingent on a history of earnings and a proven ability to recoup any advance payment.
For enquiries about advances from APRA AMCOS and the eligibility criteria, please contact [email protected]
Support Act Crisis Relief is also available for eligible musicians, crew and music workers experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID crisis. Find out how to apply.
Advance payments may also be available to publishers. Please see AMCOS Distribution Rules for more information.