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High Score Co-op 2021

Explore music for games at High Score: a two-day free virtual conference

Photo: Dave Curro from Spin Rhythm XD top left, Fabian Acuna top right and Matthew Tinkler bottom

Australian composers and songwriters can deepen their engagement with the games community and produce exceptional new video games works through High Score: Co-op, an intensive virtual compositional opportunity that brings together Australian music creators with the local games industry. The title Co-op draws on co-op gaming, a multiplayer experiences where people work together towards common goals.

In 2021 High Score: Co-op pairs up composers and songwriters with experienced gaming composers, allowing them to create dynamic music for locally developed rhythm game Spin Rhythm XD. The game and its requirements will act as a starting point for the composers and give insights into not only how to compose music for games, but how the music is implemented into the game itself.

The program takes place virtually over two days and consist of multiple songwriting rooms hosted on a community Discord server. Each session will match up different writers, to allow participants to collaborate with a range of different people.


Friday 8th - Saturday 9th October

9am - Discord arrival

Welcomes/curator and guest intros

9:30am - 1:00pm morning session

Introductions, setup and tech troubleshooting

  • Say hello if you haven’t already! Get a feel for your writing partner’sstyle and where your common grounds overlap. Setup your sessions, andcheck in with tech support if any issues with streaming / audio visuals /daw sharing.

Roles: how do you want to divvy up the start of the process?

  • What tempo and time sig? What key? Who wants to start the beat? Whowants to do chord sequences? Etc.

Song form start

  • Aim for a verse + chorus structural outline before we break. If you cando more, even better!

1:00pm - 1:45pm lunch

Afternoon session 1 : 1:45 pm-3:45pm

Fill out remaining song form

  • Intros? Bridges? Outros? Aim for a broad-stroke outline first
  • Start filling in the gaps. Have you got a melody idea? Is it strong enough? Whatmakes your song fun or interesting? Any cool textures / melodies / instrumentsyou want to highlight?
  • Great opportunity to call on other sets of ears for any thoughts and collaborative brainstorming or feedback

Afternoon break 3:45pm - 4:00pm

Afternoon session 2: 4:00pm-6:00pm

Consolidate your ideas, polish!

  • Start wrapping up any writing-stage ideas and begin your production/mix pass
  • This is a great moment to share any fun little mix and production secrets you’velearned along the way (and pick up some winners yourself too). If you’re getting stuck anywhere along the way, reach out for some fresh-perspective assistance!
  • Aiming to get at least a concept mix out the door by the end of the day
  • Note: we absolutely understand the need for fresh ears during a mix/master pass, sothere will be time after the day to continue and give it a good polish. We’d love to include your track in spin rhythm xd, so we want to give you the best chance to submit something you’re stoked about.
  • Tools down, sign off, go relax - you’ve earned it