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Meet our Boards

The APRA Board and AMCOS Board are made up entirely of our members to ensure your voice is represented at the highest level.

Both APRA and AMCOS are guided by individual constitutions and governance statements, providing a framework for operations. View corporate governance documents.

DEAN ORMSTON - Chief Executive Officer

Dean was appointed Chief Executive of APRA AMCOS in July 2018, following more than 20 years with the organisation leading its member services, licensing and advocacy work.

In recent years he has worked in partnership with Federal and State Governments for the recognition and support of creators’ rights and advocating the potential of the local music industry as a key economic and cultural asset that drives exports and educational outcomes across the country.

Dean has initiated research relating to the economic contribution of the Australian venue-based live music industry, the potential application of tax-offsets to the commercial music industry, and the issues of gender equity in the Australian contemporary music industry.

He holds a Bachelor of Education in Music, a post-graduate qualification in marketing and is a graduate of the High Potentials Leadership program at Harvard University. In a former life Dean was a high school music teacher.

