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Explore music for games at High Score: two-day free virtual conference

Media Published Wednesday 8 September 2021
High Score 2021

Free, two-day online event during Melbourne International Games Week.

Featuring keynote speakers: Julie Buchanan (Say No! More, Rocket League) and Jordan Chin (Monster Train, Death's Door).

Registration open to composers, musicians and developers worldwide.

Diverse topics from how to freelance, implementing audio design, and writing and recording for Orchestra Victoria.

High Score: Composition and Sound Art for Gaming goes virtual for the second year in a row and expands to its biggest event yet, with two days of keynotes, panels, feedback sessions and more with the industry's most influential music and audio creators. The free, online conference streams on Saturday 2 October-Sunday 3 October and is open to worldwide participants. Registration is open now.

High Score is presented by APRA AMCOS, in partnership with the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria, as part of Melbourne International Games Week.

High Score brings together both music creators and games developers to explore the important role that audio and sound plays in game design and experience. Anyone who would like to learn more about game audio and composition is welcome to register.

Day 1 will feature a keynote from California-based composer and sound designer Julie Buchanan, who created the vibrant soundtrack for the Say No! More interactive game, which empowers the user to say 'no' in any language and was nominated for IGF's Excellence in Audio Award (2021).

"I'm super honored to be asked to speak at High Score alongside some really talented audio peers and to be able to contribute to making game audio info more accessible," said Buchanan.

Jordan Chin, the San Francisco-based composer, sound designer, and singer/songwriter behind the epic score of the deck-builder game Monster Train will deliver Sunday's keynote.

"I love what High Score is doing for the game audio world, and am thrilled to be among such amazing company. See you there!"

Taking attendees on the journey of preparing for recording with an orchestra will be Orchestra Victoria’s conductor and artistic director Nicolette Fraillon, joined by guest composers and musicians to illuminate various parts of the process.

Other game music notables announced include Chel Wong who will present on 'How to Make Money as a Freelancer"; Melbourne developers Beethoven & Dinosaur; Queensland composer Zander Hulme (Windbound); Where the Snow Settles composer Adam Scott-McGuinness and creative director Alisha Stone; and the team from Melbourne’s Playside Studios.

Panels discussing audio implementation, ambient and featured sound, licensing and copyright, and how to get the most out of game jams are all part of the program. There will be ample question and answer time for registered participants, and selected attendees will have the opportunity to get feedback on their music from Melbourne composer Belinda Coomes and a panel of game and music industry veterans.

Bringing it all together will be the hosting team of Angharad 'Rad' Yeo from ABC ME’s Spawn Point and games and screen journalist Jini Maxwell.

High Score program manager Greg Morrow, Screen Music Lead, APRA AMCOS said, "High Score has come a long way in its five years and we continually strive to build an event that includes skills development and building connections between developers and music creators to help make game music an accessible professional opportunity.

"Anyone making music or games and who wants to learn more is encouraged to join us online for the event."

And, a new addition to the Melbourne International Games Week calendar is High Score: Co-op, which selects APRA AMCOS member songwriters and composers to work under the guidance of curator and games composer Chris O'Neill to create new tracks for electronic music rhythm game, Spin Rhythm XD. Participants will also work with Dave Curro from game studio Super Spin Digital to ensure the tracks are suitable for possible placement in future downloadable content for the Melbourne-produced game.

High Score: Co-op will take place on 8-9 October, during Melbourne International Games Week.
