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2021 NATSIMO Screen Composer Intensive - Expressions of Interest

Event Published Monday 5 July 2021
2021 NATSIMO Screen Composer Intensive - in partnership with the AGSC

2021 NATSIMO Screen Composer Intensive

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Music Office (NATSIMO), in partnership with the Australian Guild of Screen Composers (AGSC), is excited to announce the 2021 NATSIMO Screen Composer Intensive, a one-of-a-kind professional opportunity in screen composing for an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander composer.

Expressions of Interest are now open for eligible APRA AMCOS members based in New South Wales. Submissions close at 11:59pm AEST, Friday 30 July.

The initiative aims to create a pathway to employment opportunities as a screen composer for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander music creators, and is supported by APRA AMCOS and Create NSW.

Sonar Music, Church Street Studios and Jigsaw Music, and with the Australian Film Television and Radio School (AFTRS), to expand on their songwriting and composing skills and experience.

The aim of this intensive is to gain exposure to the key practices of screen composing and be immersed in production settings to observe and engage in the day-to-day practices at a number of partner screen music facilities.

If you have questions or require assistance, please contact [email protected].
