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State & Territory COVID Restrictions for Nightclubs & Music Events in Australia

Last Updated: 18 November, 2021
Tip Published Friday 19 November 2021

New South Wales

Density limits of 1 person per 2sqm indoor and outdoor areas apply to all activities listed below.

COVID Nightclub & Live Music Restriction

Venues including pubs, registered clubs, small bars and nightclubs can open to customers to consume food and beverages on premises.

If you are fully vaccinated you can visit a hospitality venue but must:

  • carry vaccination evidence with you and produce it for inspection to a police officer or authorised officer if requested
  • check in with the Service NSW app or provide your contact details to the occupier
  • follow the face mask rules.

People who are fully vaccinated may consume alcohol indoors or outdoors while standing or sitting.

Singing and dancing is permitted indoors or outdoors (including in nightclubs), for people who are fully vaccinated.

COVID Music Event/Festival Restrictions

Outdoor events can take place in NSW, with no limit to the number of fully vaccinated people able to attend outdoor gatherings.

However, COVID-19 Safety plans are required if more than 1,000 people attend an outdoor gathering.

Major music festivals are still prohibited.

Singing and dancing is permitted indoors and outdoors.

Note: Music festivals scheduled to reopen when NSW reaches 95% double vaccination or 15 December – but with a 20,000-person limit and density limits.

NSW Rehearsal Spaces/Recording Studios

Rehearsal spaces and recording studios can open for business. However, you should check with your local space/studio to confirm any additional COVID restrictions that may be in place and if they have reopened for business

NSW State Government Website:


COVID Nightclub & Live Music Restrictions

From 11:59 pm 18 November for fully vaccinated people:

  • There will no longer be density limits at hospitality venues.
  • Nightclubs, bars and other entertainment venues can open up to 100% capacity.
  • Dancing indoors (and outdoors) is permitted!
  • Masks will also no longer be required in most settings.

The new requirements are based on modelling from the Burnet Institute and international experience.

COVID Music Event/Festival Restrictions

From 11:59 pm 18 November music events and festivals can operate for fully vaccinated people:

  • Events and music festivals with fewer than 30,000 can operate at maximum capacity without an approved COVID-safe plan.
  • Major Events may proceed with no attendee caps or density limits. However, an approved COVIDSafe plan will still be required.

Dance floors are permitted indoors and outdoors!

Victoria Rehearsal Spaces/Recording Studios

Rehearsal spaces and recording studios can open for business. However, you should check with your local space/studio to confirm any additional COVID restrictions that may be in place and if they have reopened for business.

Victoria State Government Website:


Queensland is set to ease restrictions for entry to Queensland on 17 December 2021. This is when we expect at least 80% of Queenslanders, 16 years and older, to be double vaccinated. Restrictions may ease if Queensland is 80% double vaccinated before this date.

Some businesses will be required to restrict entry to unvaccinated people from this date. This includes business owners and their employees if not fully vaccinated.

Vaccinated people will be able to visit or attend (with no capacity restrictions):

  • hospitality venues (e.g. hotels, pubs, clubs, bars)
  • indoor entertainment venues (e.g. nightclubs, live music venues, karaoke bars, concerts, theatres)
  • outdoor entertainment activities (e.g. sporting stadiums)
  • indoor and outdoor festivals (e.g. musical festivals, folk festivals, arts festivals)

Unvaccinated people will be able to visit essential services.

Current Stage 3 Restrictions apply to all of Queensland, with additional mask requirements in place for South East Queensland.

COVID Nightclub & Live Music Restrictions

Stage 3 Nightclub/Venue Restrictions include:

Entertainment venues including nightclubs can operate under the following rules:

  • Indoor Venues: one person per 2m2 or 100% allocated seated and ticketed capacity with the COVID Safe Checklist.
  • Indoors: eating and/or drinking while standing allowed.
  • Outdoor spaces: no restrictions, however people are encouraged to wear a mask when physically distancing is not possible.
  • Dancing is permitted anywhere at any venue (indoor and outdoor) without masks, subject to the one person per 2m2 rule

COVID Music Event/Festival Restrictions

Stage 3 Event/Festival Restrictions include:

  • 100% allocated seated and ticketed for stadiums
  • 100% allocated seated and ticketed capacity for indoor events or 1 person per 2m2 indoors.
  • Ticketed venues: 100% capacity with allocated seating (e.g. live music events).
  • No restrictions on outdoor events, however people are encouraged to wear a mask when physically distancing is not possible.
  • Dancing is Permitted anywhere at any venue (indoor and outdoor) without masks, subject to the one person per 2m2 rule.

Queensland Rehearsal Spaces/Recording Studios

Rehearsal spaces and recording studios can open for business. However, you should check with your local space/studio to confirm any additional COVID restrictions that may be in place and if they have reopened for business.

Additional Information from Queensland State Government Website:

South Australia

South Australia is currently under Level 1 Restrictions with additional restrictions applied to particular settings.

COVID Nightclub & Live Music Restrictions

In South Australia Dancing is Not Permitted at Nightclubs or any licensed premises.

Other Level 1 Restrictions currently in place for nightclubs and other entertainment venues includes:

  • One person per 2 square metres for non-seated activities.
  • Three people per 4 square metres for seated activities.
  • Must take reasonable steps to maintain 1.5 m physical distancing.
  • Contact tracing required.
  • No communal food or beverage areas are permitted.
  • Seated food and beverage consumption only.
  • Masks required in high-risk settings.

Singing is permitted but when a person is singing indoors, they must wear a mask, unless:

  • the person is performing individually (not including karaoke); or
  • the person is a member of a group of performers performing or rehearsing in the premises (not including karaoke or persons performing or rehearsing as part of a choir or chorus).

Any South Australian venue located in a located currently under Level 3 Restrictions is required to maintain a density quota of 1 person per 4 square metres and must take reasonable steps to maintain 1.5m physical distancing between its patrons.

COVID Music Event/Festival Restrictions

A COVID Management Plan is required for any event of over 1,000 people. All Level 1 restrictions listed above also apply to all music events and festivals.

SA Rehearsal Spaces/Recording Studios

All rehearsal spaces and recording studios must have a COVID-Safe Plan. Contact tracing records are also required.

The density restrictions for Level 1 areas is one person per 2 square metres for non-seated activities and three people people per 4 square metres for seated activities, with reasonable steps to maintain 1.5 m physical distancing. In Level 3 areas, 1 person per 4 square metres is permintted, but reasonable steps to maintain 1.5m physical distancing must also be taken.

Singing is permitted but when a person is singing indoors, they must wear a mask, unless:

  • the person is performing individually; or
  • the person is a member of a group of performers performing or rehearsing in the premises (not including persons performing or rehearsing as part of a choir or chorus); or
  • the premises are an educational establishment; or
  • the person is undertaking or providing an individual lesson.

You should check with your local space/studio to confirm if the most recent COVID restrictions have changed what is possible in these spaces and if they are open for business.

South Australia State Government Website:

Western Australia

COVID Nightclub & Live Music Restrictions

There are no longer any capacity restrictions for venues and events. This means nightclubs, music events and concerts can go ahead at full capacity.

However, COVID measures remain in place including:

While not mandatory, patrons are encouraged to maintain 1.5 metres separation between people who are not from the same household or groups of other patrons.

COVID Music Event/Festival Restrictions

Events with over 500 patrons, are required to complete a COVID Event Checklist or Plan.

All event formats in WA are permitted without patron caps or the 2sqm rule. However, COVID Event Plans, Checklists and Guidelines remain important to reduce the potential risk and spread of COVID-19.

All events must still be registered with the Department of Health, and held or conducted in accordance with the completed COVID Event Plan or Checklist.

COVID Event Checklist (less than 2,500 patrons)

A COVID Event Checklist is required for events where the anticipated number of patrons is over 500 but does not exceed 2,500.

This simplified document must be completed, signed and submitted to the local government in which the event is being held, along with all other relevant documentation required for an application to hold a public event. An authorised officer from the local government will ensure it has been completed satisfactorily before an assessment of the event application is undertaken and final event approval can be granted.

COVID-19 Event Plan (more than 2,500 patrons)

A COVID Event Plan is required for events where the anticipated number of patrons is more than 2,500.

This document must be submitted to the local government in which the event is being held, along with all other relevant documentation required for an application to hold a public event.

The document will be considered in the assessment of the event application by the local government. An overall event application approval may be withheld until the plan appropriately addresses infection prevention and control risks.

COVID Event Plans for all events exceeding 5,000 patrons must be provided to the Department of Health, for their records, a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the event occurring.

While not mandatory, patrons are encouraged to maintain 1.5 metres separation between people who are not from the same household or groups of other patrons.

For more information, see COVID Event Plans - Frequently asked questions.

WA Rehearsal Spaces/Recording Studios

There are no longer any capacity restrictions for the number of people a rehearsal space or recording studio can accommodate.

However, you should still check with your local space/studio to confirm any COVID restrictions they may have in place and if they have reopened for business.

Western Australia State Government Website:

Northern Territory

Northern Territory live music venues and nightclubs must review their COVID-19 Safety Plan every six months, appoint a COVID Safety Supervisor and collect customer contact details to assist with contact tracing.

COVID Nightclub & Live Music Restrictions

Nightclubs in the Northern Territory can operate and dancing is permitted with physical distancing. Groups who do not know each other should abide by a 1.5m rule.

A COVID-19 safety required for any gathering over 500 people.

COVID Music Event/Festival Restrictions

Events with less than 500 people do not require completion of a checklist or safety plan. Physical distancing is encouraged - with attendees to remain 1.5 metres apart from other groups. Hygiene principles should also be in place.

Events with 500 to 1000 people in attendance inside a major population centre do require completion of a checklist or safety plan, COVID-19 Small Event Checklist. Further to this the organiser of the event must appoint a COVID-19 Safety Supervisor and display a QR code or alternate method of checking in.

Events with 1000 or more people in attendance located inside a major population centre must submit a COVID-19 Event Safety Plan and receive formal approval from the Chief Health Officer prior to the event proceeding. Further to this the organiser of the event must appoint a COVID-19 Safety Supervisor and display a QR code or alternate method of checking in.

NT Rehearsal Spaces/Recording Studios

Recording studios and rehearsal spaces that follow the NT guidelines and checklists can reopen.

You should check with your local space/studio to confirm any additional COVID restrictions that may be in place and if they have reopened for business.

Northern Territory Government Website:


All businesses and workplaces are permitted to operate, but they must implement measures to meet the minimum COVID-19 safety standards and record this in a COVID-19 Safety plan as outlined in the COVID-19 Safe Workplaces Framework.

COVID Nightclub & Live Music Restrictions

Nightclubs are permitted to operate and dancing is permitted in premises with a liquor licence/permit up to a maximum of 100 people dancing in indoor spaces and 250 people dancing in outdoor spaces, within current density requirements of 1 person per 2 square metres.

Standing and drinking alcohol is also permitted.

Patrons in other parts of the premises or event can also consume alcohol while sitting down, subject to density requirements.

For example, a venue with a maximum density capacity of 200 can have 100 people dancing, however the other 100 people must be seated to be drinking alcohol.

The management of risk associated with these activities must also be covered in a venue’s COVID-19 Safety Plan.

Otherwise, the maximum number of people permitted to attend any events or gatherings without applying for approval under the Framework for COVID-19 Safe Events and Activities is:

  • 250 people in an undivided space indoors
  • 1,000 people in an undivided space outdoors.

The maximum density rule of 2 square metres per person applies. If the number of people permitted according to the density limit is less than the gathering limit, the lower number applies.

COVID Music Event/Festival Restrictions

Operators of entertainment venues can apply to increase patron numbers above 250 people (indoors) or 1,000 people (outdoors) through the Framework for COVID-19 Safe Events and Activities.

For indoor events without seating

Where people are moving freely and mixing, the number of people that may be permitted at any time is no more than 1 person per 2 square metres of space, and no more than 1,000 people.

For indoor seated events

Where people have to be seated most of the time, the number of people that may be permitted at any time is up to the seating capacity of the premises in all seated areas, and 1 person per 2 square metres in all unseated areas, but no more than 2,000 people.

For outdoor events without seating

Where people are moving freely and mixing, the number of people that may be permitted at any time is no more than 1 person per 2 square metres of available space, but no more than 5,000 people.

For outdoor seated events

Where people have to be seated most of the time, the number of people that may be permitted at any time is up to the seating capacity of the premises in all seated areas, and 1 person per 2 square metres in all unseated areas, but no more than 10,000 people.

Tasmanian Rehearsal Spaces/Recording Studios

Rehearsal spaces and recording studios can operate, but must implement measures to meet the minimum COVID-19 safety standards and record this in a COVID-19 Safety plan. Further details are outlined in the COVID-19 Safe Workplaces Framework.

You should check with your local space/studio to confirm any additional COVID restrictions that may be in place and if they have reopened for business.

Tasmanian State Government Website:

Australian Capital Territory

Restrictions will be eased with effect from 11:59pm on Thursday 21 October 2021.

COVID Nightclub & Live Music Restrictions

Nightclubs and licensed venues can reopen with the following restrictions:

  • 25 people across the venue before density limits apply (exc staff).
  • If businesses wish to have more than 25 people, they can apply:
    - One person per two square metres per usable indoor space (exc staff).
    - No density limits apply to outdoor spaces.
  • Eating and drinking while standing is permitted.
  • Dancing is permitted.
  • Venues to display a sign at the entrance of each space specifying occupancy limit for any indoor spaces.

COVID Music Event/Festival Restrictions

Indoor Entertainment and Event Venues (including venues with forward facing, fixed and tiered seating – theatres, arenas or auditoriums):

Indoor theatre-style venues with fixed and tiered seating:

  • 100% of fixed seating capacity for each space.
  • Density quotients do not apply for unfixed seating areas when performances are being held.
  • Events over 1,000 people must be ticketed or pre-registered (smaller events must use Check in CBR)
  • Eating and drinking while standing is permitted.

Other Indoor performance and entertainment venues:

  • 25 people across the venue before density limits apply (exc staff or volunteers).
  • If businesses wish to have more than 25 people, they can apply:
    - One person per two square metres per usable indoor space (exc staff).
    - No density limits apply to outdoor spaces.
  • Venues to display a sign at the entrance of each space specifying occupancy limit for any indoor spaces.
  • Events over 1,000 people must be ticketed or pre-registered (smaller events must use Check in CBR)
  • Eating and drinking while standing is permitted.

Live Performance Events

  • Exemptions can be sought to host live performance events at up to three persons per four square metres (75%) of usable indoor space, subject to the event being ticketed and seated wherever practicable.
  • Exemptions to be submitted in accordance with the COVID Safe Event Guidance.
  • Events must be ticketed.
  • Eating and drinking while standing is permitted.
  • Dancing is permitted

ACT Rehearsal Spaces/Recording Studios

Rehearsal spaces and recording studios can open for business. However, you should check with your local space/studio to confirm any additional COVID restrictions that may be in place and if they have reopened for business.

Australian Capital Territory Government Website:
