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Vale Michael McMartin

Story Published Tuesday 2 April 2024
Michael McMartin (photo: supplied)

Vale Michael McMartin.

We are saddened at the announcement of the passing of legendary artist manager Michael McMartin, founder of Melody Management and founding member of the Music Managers’ Forum in Australia.

Michael was presented with the Ted Albert Award in 2007 for his outstanding services to the music industry - notably for blazing a trail as an artist manager and helping provide support to other managers.

Originally from Canada, Michael moved to Australia in the 70s and started Trafalgar Records with producer Charles Fisher (Radio Birdman, 1927, Air Supply, Savage Garden, Hoodoo Gurus).

In 1985 he formed Melody Management and signed as his first clients the Hoodoo Gurus, whom he managed for almost 40 years, only recently announcing he would be relinquishing that role due to ill health. He signed the band to a record deal in 1982. In addition to managing Fisher, he also managed producer Wayne Connolly (The Vines, Josh Pyke, Boy and Bear, Paul Dempsey).

He served as Chairman and then Executive Director of the International Music Managers’ Forum (IMMF), the umbrella organisation for managers from some 24 countries which has NGO status at WIPO, the United Nations agency dealing with worldwide copyright issues.

He was a Director of Support Act, serving for 19 years, starting from its inception in 1997.

Among, Michael's many services to the music industry, he provided his expertise and knowledge for dispute resolution services for APRA AMCOS members.

Dean Ormston, Chief Executive, APRA AMCOS, said: "A beautiful, big-hearted, warm and generous man, who always greeted with a smile and usually a hug. He was an industry trailblazer and always had time to share his wisdom with others. Michael was held in enormous regard across our industry. He will be greatly missed and fondly remembered."

In the presentation at the 2007 APRA Music Awards, Charles Fisher, himself a Ted Albert honouree, said of Michael, "When we first got together, It was very much motivated by fun. He still loves to have that. And, he won't get involved in things that are purely financially rewarding -- if there's no fun in it, he won't get involved. But he has become a master of his trade."
