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High Score: Sound Check 2022

Explore music for games at High Score: a two-day free virtual conference

As part of High Score’s 2022 program we began a series of short pre-recorded videos called SOUND CHECK, interviewing the composers, musicians, and developers of locally produced games – focusing benefits of collaborating with with local composers and musicians on your game.

Sound Check: Spiritwell

Focused on local games using local music, Sound Check explores how music evolves with a game in Spiritwell. The Sound Check series is a part of the High Score program, part of Melbourne International Games Week, with the support of Creative Victoria.

Speakers: David Chen (creator) and Danna Yun (composer)
Meena Shamaly
Video Producer:
Jam Nawaz
Cameron Lam

Sound Check: Riftbound

Focused on local games using local music, Sound Check explores how musicians hone in on a game's brief in Riftbound.The Sound Check series is a part of the High Score program, part of Melbourne International Games Week, with support of Creative Victoria.

Speakers: James Thomas (co-lead Barrel Smash Studios) and Hew Wagner (composer)
Meena Shamaly
Video Producer:
Jam Nawaz
Cameron Lam