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How to get paid as a dance and electronic writer

We’re now collecting data from many sources to ensure our royalty payments to dance and electronic writers are as accurate as possible.

Tips to maximise your earnings

  • If you are a DJ, you need to complete Performance Reports to get paid for playing your original works. This is done by logging in to your APRA AMCOS account and telling us when, where and what you’ve played during your set. It is appreciated if you include all the tracks you have played when you submit your Reports.
  • Don’t forget that you must first register your original works before you can submit a Performance Report, and that remixes are not automatically eligible for registration.
  • Music Recognition Technology (MRT) is a tool – similar to Shazam, Music ID and Soundhound – where music is digitally fingerprinted and analysed using algorithms. APRA uses Dutch service DJ Monitor in nightclubs throughout Australia to recognise what DJs play. Tracks played are then reported to APRA and affiliated international performing rights organisations so they can pay writers for the performance of their works.

    To maximise the chances of your music being identified if it’s played in an MRT venue, you should register for a DJ Monitor Uploader Account using your APRA membership number, and upload your recordings.
  • Direct Metadata Collection is different to MRT, in that it reads metadata directly from the DJ decks. APRA has been working with Pioneer DJ to install their KUVO technology in nightclubs around the country, to ensure more accurate distributions to dance and electronic writers. Because KUVO simply reads metadata as it’s stored on memory devices, the key to maximising matches is clean metadata on all of your digital files. Please ensure title, writer/composer, artist/performer and ISRC (International Standard Recording Code) information is correctly labelled.

    For more information about the ISRC system, or to apply for an ISRC for your recordings, please email [email protected] or visit the ARIA site.