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Jingle registration and audio upload

Jingle royalty payments begin with your registration and audio upload. We take it from there.

Timely registration and audio upload of your jingle in the Writer Portal is vital for us to collect and distribute royalties to you. We use the registration and accompanying audio to monitor the use of your jingle.

The audio upload is done quickly direct in the Writer Portal.

Was your jingle used outside of Australia/New Zealand? Find out how to report Overseas Jingles.

Tips for registering your jingles

Upload your audio-only original music

For jingle registrations, please upload the original music only audio file used in the ad.

This file will provide enough detail to identify the work, even in the context of a jingle with voiceover, dialogue and sound effects.

If you do not possess the music only audio file, you will need to upload all versions of that ad, including those with alternative voiceovers, dialogue and sound effects.

Consolidate work titles

Consolidate work titles when possible, particularly where audio is shared across campaigns. This avoids any duplication or matching issues. Rather than having multiple versions of a work, you can condense them down into one if the audio file remains the same.

Monitoring the use of your jingle

Uploaded audio files are then added the database of our MRT service, and matching data is provided to us to distribute quarterly royalty payments.
