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Domestic royalties

Find out how and when APRA AMCOS pays songwriter royalties earned in Australasian territories.

Performance royalties in Australia and New Zealand—Live Performance Reports

If one of your songs or compositions are performed in a licensed venue, you're eligible to earn performance royalties. This includes when you perform your own music. You can get royalties by submitting a Performance Report through the Writer Portal or APRA AMCOS for Music Creators app (from the App Store or Google Play).

Submitting your Performance Reports

It's easier than ever to submit your Performance reports on-the-go in the APRA AMCOS for Music Creators app or in the Writer Portal. No more annual deadlines, submit as you go with royalties paid quarterly (February, May, August, November).

You just need to tell us about the performance:

  • WHAT songs were played
  • WHERE they were played
  • WHEN they were played

Live Performance royalties are distributed quarterly. Submit as soon as you can after a performance, but you won't miss out if you don't report in the same quarter.

Don’t delay! The standard claim period for Performance Reports is limited to one year from the date of the performance. It may be extended to up to three years from the date of the performance, where additional evidence (e.g: copies of material advertising the performance, ticket, posters and letters from the venue) is provided in support of the claim.

The extended three-year retrospective claim period is not open to new members. A new member may only claim retrospective performances for the 12 months immediately preceding their date of application.

The App and Writer Portal automatically sets the performance dates you are eligible to claim.

What's on-costing?

We work with some live music venues that pass on the APRA live music licence fee to the performer—you. We contact members when our records indicate this may be the case and reimburse this amount to the relevant rights holders of the works performed at this show.

Got any questions? Contact us at [email protected]
