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Anatomy of an Album with Ruel and M-Phazes

Event Published Thursday 6 April 2023
Anatomy of an Album with Ruel and M-Phazes. April 26 in Sydney


Presented by APRA AMCOS and Spotify, Anatomy of an Album explores the stories of great Australian albums with the songwriters and producers who brought them to life. You'll learn about the song's full journey - from demo to master.

We'll be joined by Ruel and songwriter/ producer M-Phazes to discuss Ruel's album, 4TH WALL. Released on 3 March 2023, the album debuted on Spotify's charts at number 8 in the US, 12 in Europe, and 14 globally. 17 markets around the world supported Spotify's partnership with Ruel, with over 70 editorial playlist adds on album release across the world.

For this event, we have a limited APRA AMCOS member allocation.

To attend, you'll need to email your APRA AMCOS member details (email address you receive your APRA AMCOS correspondence, member number) to [email protected] to grab the code to register.
Places are strictly limited so be sure to contact us.

Stay tuned for more Anatomy of an Album events nationally!
