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Everyone has the right to a safe workplace: our resource guide

Tip Published Tuesday 8 September 2020
We are committed to ensuring a safe space for our employees and members, and request the same commitment from those we work with

A workplace can range from an office environment, a studio to a working from home set up, or other places

We are committed to ensuring a safe space for our employees and members, and request the same commitment from those we work with

Access some services and resources below that can help with ensuring a safe space

The workplace can be many different places and spaces for our staff, members, and third-party collaborators and service providers. It could be an office, a work-from-home set-up, a studio, a creative space and so on.

And no matter the setting or the work at hand, everyone has the right to a safe, respectful and ethical workplace. We're committed to ensuring that for our employees, members and the people and organisations we work and collaborate with, and we request that shared commitment of the third party service providers that we engage.

We have recently updated our resource guide around safe workplaces in the contemporary music industry. There are vital services that can provide support and assistance to those who may have experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying in the workplace.

Additionally, please refer to these helpful resources and helplines: