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International royalties

Find out how and when APRA AMCOS pays songwriter royalties earned overseas.

When do I get paid international royalties?

APRA AMCOS pays royalties that we collect from international use once a month (we’re one of the few societies to pay international royalties on a monthly cycle).

What's an international royalty vs domestic royalty?

Domestic royalties are earned in territories administered by APRA AMCOS. International royalties are earned in territories administered by our International Affiliates.

Find out which territories we manage rights for and who our International Affiliates are.

International royalties can be delayed

Sometimes there can be a significant delay between the performance of your music overseas and the distribution of these royalties to APRA AMCOS. For most types of music use, the payment of royalties can take at least a year from when the performance happened. We’ll always pay you as soon as we can.

International royalties for our members are accounted to us regularly by our International Affiliates. The major societies are required to pay royalties to us at least every quarter, depending on the source of those royalties and the agreements they have with licensees in their territory. They are required to pay us within a month of paying their own members.

Due to COVID-19, some societies are changing their distribution timetables and practices to reflect changes in royalty collections and requirements of their membership.

Some societies have delayed royalty distributions due to withholding tax issues.

To ensure we distribute international royalties accurately and timely, we prioritise distributing payments from our key International Affiliates. This means that some royalties from smaller territories may take longer to be processed and paid.

If you have any questions about the timing of international royalty payments, please contact Writer Services.

Payments of international royalties also depend on whether we are affiliated with a collecting society there—so payments aren’t always guaranteed.
