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Get to know Ziggy Ramo, our newest ambassador

Story Published Thursday 15 October 2020
In this video, our new ambassador, Ziggy Ramo talks about songwriting, culture and copyright.

Ziggy Ramo released his debut album Black Thoughts this year amidst the Black Live Matter Protests

His music speaks to the experience of First Nations peoples in Australia

We are proud to announce Ziggy as our newest APRA AMCOS Ambassador

Hip-hop artist and songwriter Ziggy Ramo has been honing his musical craft since his teens and developing his career as a proudly independent artist over the last eight years. And, today, we are proud to announce Ziggy as our newest APRA AMCOS Ambassador.

The release of his acclaimed debut album Blak Thoughts came in the midst of social unrest and as Black Lives Matter protests took place around Australia. He had been holding on to the album and felt that the right time to share it had arrived.

"It took me five years to get this album out because I had to figure it out," said Ziggy, who pulled together the final elements and digitally released it in mere days.

Ziggy was a mentor at last year's Starting Ground workshop in Byron Bay and wants to ensure there are safe, creative spaces for First Nations artists.

"Because we are the original storytellers of this country, and we have a perspective in our music that not many Australians do, and these stories are sacred, these stories are important and we need to nurture them," he says in his Ambassador video.

Watch Ziggy's video to hear more about what songwriting and copyright mean to him.

Ziggy Ramo - April 25th
