Schools, universities, TAFEs and private colleges around Australia have special licences available to them which cover their music use. APRA AMCOS works closely with our writer and publisher members, as well as representatives of the education sector, to ensure our licences are fit for purpose and meet the needs of educators and students. They support both remote and in-person teaching environments.
The Copyright Act also includes some exceptions that allow for the use of copyright-protected music without a licence. There are many common uses of music that fall outside those allowances in the Act though, so it is important to know when further permissions or licensing is required.
Almost all schools across Australia hold a blanket educational licence that covers the public performance, copying and communication of music for school purposes.
TAFE institutions are covered for the majority of their music use by the TAFE Music Licence.
We have a licence agreement in place with Universities Australia to cover all 39 member universities for a broad range of music uses.
In addition to schools, universities, and TAFEs, Australia's education landscape also includes a diverse range of private and independent education providers. These institutions offer a variety of courses and programs, from higher education to vocational training and skills development.
Are you a music teacher in Australia looking for more information on copyright? Whether you teach in studios, schools or at home. The Guide to Music Copyright for Instrumental Teachers aims to simplify and explain copyright law, how it works, why it's important, and where and when to obtain a licence.
The National Copyright Unit's Smartcopying website provides helpful information about copyright issues for schools and TAFEs.
Visit the Smartcopying website
The Australian Copyright Council provides information sheets applicable to educational institutions and music teachers, as well as legal advice and seminars on Australian copyright law.
Visit the Australian Copyright Council website
Arts Law is Australia’s independent national community legal centre for the arts, and provides free or low cost specialised legal advice, education and resources.
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